Kikis Kyriacou
Kikis Kyriacou is the President of SIR Services-NY, Inc. Kikis has 40 years of experience in the insurance industry. He specializes in the property and casualty sector, focusing mainly on commercial buildings and apartment buildings in New York and New Jersey. He has surrounded himself with key employees, who all have many years of experience with SIR Services-NY, Inc. In New York he holds licenses in Property, Casualty, Personal Lines, Baggage and Excess Lines. In New Jersey, Kikis holds insurance licenses in Property, Casualty, Personal Lines, Life, Accident, Health or Sickness, and Surplus Lines. Kikis is also licensed in Connecticut in Property, Casualty, Accident and Health or Sickness, Credit and Travel, Surplus Lines and Life. In Pennsylvania he is licensed in Property, Casualty, and Surplus Lines, and in Delaware he is licensed in Property, Casualty, and Surplus Lines. |
800-989-4772 x108